

Friday, September 19, 2008


This picture miraculously appeared on my front step yesterday...made me cry again. I first saw this at Education Week this year. I had to stop and shed a few tears as I admired the beauty of the painting that captured Mary with her son Jesus. It affected me so much that I had to walk away and try to put my mind somewhere else or I would end up in the fetal possition sucking my thumb right there at the BYU bookstore. A few days before Michelle passed away I had an impression about Mary, the mother of Jesus. I understood a little of what she went through, as she witnessed her own child crucified, with nails in his hands, wrists and feet. As I watched Michelle's body being eaten away by cancer, I understood in a new way what that must have been like for Mary to witness her beloved son suffering as he was torchered and died. I was humbled and grateful for modern medicine that kept Michelle as comfortable as possible as her body suffered the ravages of Leukemia. This picture captures so beautifully the love they shared, as I shared for Michelle, and the Saviors awarness of what Mary was going to have to suffer as she witnessed his crucifiction and then grief that she would suffer after he was gone. It depticts the Saviors sorrow, as I know he feels grief for my suffering the loss of Michelle. It affects me on so many levels...I absolutely LOVE it.
SO....which ever angel sister or sisters made this magically appear at my doorstep...a HUGE THANK YOU!!!
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FamiLee said...

Wendy, you have me in tears. I wish that you would write a book about your whole experience...it would be such a comfort to others in many levels. I admire your ability to talk or write about it. That painting is really so beautiful. I have never seen it before, now I will need to go and look.

FamiLee said...

I Love You.

Princesska said...

This picture is absolutely beautiful. You are such a strong woman Wendy, I just admire you so much

Kathy said...

I'm so glad someone got you that picture. Did you have fun with Andy and Amandas family? Do I have a puppy on it's way home?

Kathy said...

Wendy, I'm going to a scrapebooking retreat next weekend and would LOVE to be able to scrap the pictures that you took last summer. Do you think you could send me a CD, soon?

jaylene said...

That is a beautiful picture. I love your perspective.

Kathy said...

I tagged you!

Tin said...
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Tin said...

You have posted on my blog and I am late to reply. I looked back at your previous posts, your daughter was beautiful. My daughter tried to pierce her lip on saturday with a sewing needle, and found out the next morning she is allergic to nickel. She was swollen and covered with hives for two days. You have helped me realize I should complain less and pray more.

My dad has cancer, I don't even pretend to understand what you went through but I know how cancer hurts a family. My dad said that the cancer showed up as a light on his tests. I didn't understand that I will forever accociate cancer, the disease, with darkness.

My dad is an amazing person. I am sure your daughter is to. Kristin Moss Bahr

Emily Rose said...

Aunt Wendy, I have been thinking about you lately. I was remember a time we visited your new home in St. George. I left my nail polish on top of my bag and Rachel got into it spilling ALL of it on your new carpet by the front door (for everyone to see). When I apologized to you, knowing it could not be fixed, you said, "Homes are for living in." and brushed it off. I will never forget that. You taught me a lot about love and that worldly possesions are not as important as loved ones. Thank you for being so kind to me. Thank you for teaching me a lesson I will never forget and thank you for loving me. I have always thought so highly of you. I think that moment showed me your true character. I just thought you should know how much you impacted me. Love you!