

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Class of 2009


Sometimes life is like walking through a land mine. You never know where the explosives are hidden...until you step on one and fall apart. Today is like that. Graduation day. My heart is broken today..wishing I could be watching Michelle walk across that stage and retrieve her diploma with all of her friends. Instead I will place flowers on her grave...and ache for her. It will be a tough day, but this too shall pass...
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Kathy said...

that just breaks my heart.... I love you Michelle!

FamiLee said...

Wow. I am in tears trying to comprehend your loss. I am so sorry. I hope that Michelle "walked" anyway...I bet she would have sang for it.

Love you guys.

Withawhy said...

Wendy, I love you!!!!

The Butler Bunch said...

As Ryan "walked", we all thought of Michelle, that she should have been doing the same thing. It's not fair, nor does anything make sense. I'm so sorry. I hope that your hard day didn't last too long.

Mindy said...

I can't imagine this kind of loss. And yet, even though it is hard, you are still positive.