

Sunday, August 31, 2008


I can't believe she's not here....I miss her SOOOO much!! She had so much passion for life, she loved her family and friends, she loved music, to dance, to laugh, shopping, girlie stuff, movies, she loved to hang out with her cousins, she loved family gatherings...with aunties and uncles and grandparents, and she absolutely worshiped Megan and wanted so much to be just like her. She was fiesty, funny, brave, loving, humble, mischievious, courageous, patient and so full of life. She definetly left her mark on this world and on my heart. As my heart breaks today I'll try to focus on all that we have to look forward to when we can all be together again.
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Kathy said...

So well said. She left her mark on our hearts too. I miss her. I can't imagine what this day must feel like for you.

FamiLee said...

Wendy, I cannot even comprehend the things you have gone through. I hope that you know that we always remember her as a happy girl, full of zest for life! I believe that she is probably closer to you and your family than we all realize. Love you!

Princesska said...

She left her mark on so many hearts -- not many people can do that. The day you and all your children are reunited will be the best and biggest celebration of all.

The Butler Bunch said...

I love these pictures of Michelle. She looks so happy. I'm so glad that she had such an awesome birthday party! What great memories you must have.

Emily Rose said...

She really was a neat girl, wasn't she. I can feel your love for her in your words. She was as lucky to have such a great mom as you were to have her.

Withawhy said...

Such a great discription of her! I think she taught us all something about living. She lived fully.