

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

YES on Prop 8!!!!!

YES on prop 8!!!!
In the past few weeks we have been involved with California's battle to restore traditional marriage to our Constitution. We have a "Vote YES on Prop 8" bumper sticker on our cars, we have a "Vote YES on Prop 8" sign in our front yard, and both Rocky and I stood on a busy corner during rush hour traffic and held "Vote yes on Prop 8" signs. I have been called a bigot, a Hitler Nazi, a f-ing@#$#$%#, I've been flipped more birds than I can count, I've been almost run off the road, I've had my sign stolen from my front yard...and the "no on prop 8" people's main focus is on tolerance. Seems like they don't have much tolerance for any other opinion than their own.

If prop 8 doesn't pass, the schools will teach about homosexuality starting in Kindergarden. It's already happening, just last week an elementary school in Hayward California had a "gay comming-out day". Parent's were not notified beforehand. A first grade class was taken on a field trip to the court house to witness their lesbien teacher's wedding. The California Teacher's Union donated 1 million dollars towards the "no on 8" campaign. THere is already in one school a "gay and lesbien awareness" month. Since when is it the school's responsibility to teach small children about having gay sex...or ANY sex?!

My rights will be taken away, our bishops and temple sealers could loose authority to marry people if they aren't willing to marry a gay couple. Our churches could loose their tax-free status if we aren't willing to let gay couples marry in our churches. My tithing will no longer be tax-deductable. It very well could drive people who oppose gay marriage out of the state.

Anyone who loves someone else...or thing...will be able to marry. Groups could marry, or you could marry your pet, or sister/brother/dad/mom..it desecrates the sanctity of what marriage is...what, throughout the history of the world, in every culture, has ALWAYS been, between a man and a woman.

They want equal rights under the law...they already have that in the domestic partnership laws that are on the books. Any time it specifies "marriage" in the law it also includes "domestic partnerships". If they don't think that is special enough...they can come up with their own name. They can purchase a license, have a ceremony, exchange rings, and in front of their loved ones proclaim their undying love...JUST DON'T CALL IT MARRIAGE!! Defining it that way will take away MY rights.

As you can see, I feel VERY strongly about this issue. I have a gay brother and one of my best friends is gay. I am not a bigot. I love them both and want for them to be happy. I will also never accept that it is morally correct. I am entitled to my beliefs just as they are entitled to theirs.


Withawhy said...

You couldn't have said it better!

Princesska said...

It's interesting that people can't handle having different opinions. you're right...it seems like those preaching tolerance are the ones that are the LEAST tolerant of differing opinions. I'm sorry you've had some rough days standing for what you believe... and even though I have a diff opinion... I really respect the fact that you're willing to spend your days rallying for what you believe.

I completely agree that homosexuality should not be taught in schools... However, I also think birth control shouldn't be handed out... that religion shouldn't be discussed...and opinions in general shouldn't be discussed. That's a whole other battle that needs to be fought... bc that is NOT okay. If parents have to sign release forms for kids to watch PG movies...they should also have to sign forms before their kids can be taught anything sexuality, religion, or opinion based.

Princesska said...

i've been doing some more research...and if it will be inundated in the school system...for that reason alone I would vote yes on prop 8

FamiLee said...


Emily Rose said...

I have so much respect for you all. Thank you for fighting this battle. In Colorado we have an amendment to make abortion illegal. But...Satan is very tricky because the way they wrote it is so extreme that people who are anti-abortion won't vote for it.

It makes me so angry. It's on there for the conservatives but doesn't represent us. I voted for it anyway. I think once it's a law the pro-abortion people will work very hard to get rid of the restrictions that shouldn't be in there, but getting the law passed in the first place is the challenge.

On Brady's blog he has a picture of a sign someone made. It said, "On oct. 2 Obama supporters stole my McCain/Palin sign, violating my 1st Amendment right to free speech. Do it again and you will find out what the 2nd Amendment is all about!" It made me smile. The sign is huge.