

Monday, August 25, 2008

Meggie tagged me

8 Things I am Passionate About:

1. Family
2. The Gospel
3. My guardian angels
4. Being a grandma
5. Music
6. Photography
7. scrapbooking
8. Sunsets

8 Books I Have Read and Enjoyed:

1. The Book of Mormon
2. Glass Castle
3. Twilight
4. The secret life of Bees
5. Gone With the Wind

8 Words/Phrases I Say Often:

1. What?
2. No, but thanks for asking.
3. Do you have homework?
4. Hey little monkey!
5. I'm tired
6. I love you
7. He's so cute!
8. Grandma loves you!

8 Things I Want to Do Before I Die (In no particular order):

1. Clean out my garage.
2. See a broadway play in New York
3. Be in the temple with all of my children
4. Send out a missionary.
5. go back to college.
6. Write a book
7. Run a marathon
8. Get 8 hours of sleep in one night

8 Things I Learned in this Past Year:

1. Faith is about trust
2. There are worse things than loosing a job or having a child stray.
3. I know who my friends are
4. I Love the staff at Children's Hospital
5. I understand how important service is
6. Life is precious
7. My grandsons are amazingly adorable
8. I am SO blessed

People I Want to Tag:
1. Kathy
2. Jaylene
3. Susan
4. Christy
5. Lynda


FamiLee said...

I have two questions for you:

1. What kind of book do you want to write about?

2. When you go to college, what degree do you want to seek?

I am just curious!

The Butler Bunch said...

Just want to wish Michelle a happy birthday today. We are thinking of her, her life, and of your family today. We wish you peace as you celebrate her life.

Emily Rose said...

That was so fun to read. I haven't read The Secret Life of Bees but I think I will.